[ 2003-August-10 18:50 ]
XDelta is a command line tool for generating binary difference files (or diff files). The page provides a binary version of XDelta 1.1.3 for Windows, and instructions for how to build it yourself. I use this tool for creating daily backups that only take up ~200-500 kB, and I wanted to be able to restore my backups on Windows PCs as well. [Update 2010-11-14: XDelta 3.0 directly supports Windows; you should probably download that version.]
download xdelta.exe (statically linked, compressed with UPX)
Building XDelta for Windows with Visual Studio
- Download the XDelta source code.
- Download GLib 2.0, either as a dll or as a static library.
- Download ZLib. There is a prebuilt win32 package containing both dlls and static libraries.
- Unpack everything. Add the include and lib directories from the GLib and ZLib distributions.
- Open the included Visual Studio project file. It will likely ask you to convert it. Say yes.
- Add include and include/glib-2.0 to the include paths.
- Remove "zlibs.lib" and "glib-1.2.lib" from the link libaries list. Add whatever GLib you are linking against, and lib/zlibstat.lib.
- Add "xdapply.c" to the project. Add all the .c files in the "libedsio" directory. Remove "edsiotest.c".
- Apply this patch: xdelta-1.1.3-glib2.diff. You will need GNU Patch for Windows.
- Build and pray. Good luck!